Tips for Home Selling in Winter

Tips for Home Selling in Winter

Winter may not be the most opportune time to list your home for sale, but here are a few tips that can help your home stand out:
  1. Make sure the temperature inside the home is warm and comfortable. If your thermostat has a timer, set it to turn on in advance of a showing and then turn it back down once the showing is over. 

  2. Keep rooms adequately lit. We want buyers to be impressed and welcome when entering each room. If you live in your home full time, leave lights on before the showing appointment, so that when the buyer arrives, they come into a brightly lit home.

  3. Landscaping may not look its very best during the winter months, but you can keep the yard clear of debris and make sure that walkways are swept.

  4. Offer a cozy setting. Keeping the interior of the home clutter-free and well-organized allows a buyer to imagine themselves and their belongings inside.
Although winter is outside of our selling season, many buyers begin their search online. Made significant changes to the interior or exterior? Let us know! We'll arrange a new photoshoot and let the buying public know.

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